Commission Membership
The Commission consists of Organizational Members, Educator Members, and Public Members.
Organizational Members
Individuals (Educational and Public Members)
The Commissioners, both educator and organizational members, collectively represent those serving infants, toddlers, preschoolers and young elementary students. They also represent those working across all settings in the ECE profession, including family child care, center-based care, elementary schools, and Head Start. The Commission is hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) which is responsible for providing staffing and legal support to ensure the Commission can carry out its work.
Qualifications for individuals serving on the Commission include:
Criteria for All Individuals
Commitment to the early childhood education profession
Commitment to gaining a working knowledge of early childhood education licensing and regulatory frameworks
Commitment to advancing an inclusive and equitable professional field of practice.
Additionally, those serving on the Commission must understand and commit to the Commission’s purpose, mission, Code of Ethics, and Code of Conduct
Ability to strive for consensus within a group and take responsibility for actions based on a vote by the majority
Ability to objectively consider various perspectives, to put the interests of the Commission before any personal or professional interests, and to avoid conflicts of interest
Qualifications for organizations serving on the Commission include:
Criteria for Organizations
Represent members of the early childhood education profession and/or address an element that is a core component of the early childhood education professional ecosystem
Represent the extensive diversity of the profession and the families the profession serves
Be national in scope
Be a nonprofit entity or institution
Contribute financially, on an annual basis and on sliding scale to ensure the sustainability of the entity and support individual participation